Moreover, the fact that TCanvas and related classes (TBrush etc) wrap the GDI API means that regular custom drawing in Delphi will be glass-hostile by default as well. Since most standard VCL controls are simply wrappers round their native equivalent (a TEdit is really a single-line native EDIT control, for instance), they inherit this problem. The reason for this is that these controls still use the drawing primitives of the ‘classic’ GDI (Graphics Device Interface), and these primitives (in the main) ignore alpha channels, despite the fact that respecting alpha channels is essential to playing nicely with glass.

So, without further ado, here’s the first… Standard controls and glassĪ basic issue with glass frames is that native Windows controls don’t paint very well to them. Nonetheless, it’s tweaked me into finishing a couple of posts I intended to follow on from my earlier ones about custom DWM title bars. As it currently stands, the question bears some misconceptions – for example, the questioner makes the false assertion that the VCL DoubleBuffered property ‘sets a window style bit used by the common controls library’. Looking on Stack Overflow, I’ve just noticed a rather detailed question (really, set of questions) about Aero glass.